I was on my way to the art supply store (Endeavours) and stopped into the new Gallery (Gallery on Queen) next door. I just had time to do a quick browse around to get a taste of the works there. On my quick walkabout a small painting set behind the counter caught my eye. I kept on walking the circumference of the gallery; kept browsing, but feeling the tug of that little painting. I ended up asking if the painting was available - slightly afraid that it had been set aside because it had been sold - and it turned out to be available. It just hadn't been set out with a display tag yet. So, I asked how much it was and bought it.
So, why did I buy it? What drew me to it? It's very hard for me to define what draws me to something. It's not a left brain thing. It's a gut thing, an intuition thing ... an emotional thing. A connection happens and it happens as quickly and forcefully as a bolt of lightning. Once I've been struck, that's it. I rarely doubt the feeling. Interestingly, price is a secondary consideration. The gut connection, the heart connection has to be there first.
I had no thought as to where I'd hang this piece or if the colours matched anything in my house. I didn't even know who the artist was. I just instantly connected with it. Was it the subject? Was it the composition? Was it the lights and darks? Was it the frame? Was it the colours? Was it the emotion of the piece? Was it the meaning or symbolism of the piece? Was it the energy of the piece? Was it a little bit of magic? I like to think that all of that and more counted in, but I'm leaning strongly towards "the little bit of magic" as the essential element.
Terrific artists have that little bit of magic ... and it seems to me that in these interesting times, we could all use a little bit more of that magic.
What makes you buy a particular painting or piece of art? I'd love to hear!
PS The August Collection is now available in the shop. Just click here. Thanks for all the positive feedback!
PSS Let's have another giveaway! I'm offering a set of 4 art postcards (shown below) to the winner of a random draw that will take place on Monday, August 8th at 12 noon Eastern Time. To be eligible for the draw, tell me what made you buy the last piece of art you purchased in a comment below. If for some reason I am unable to contact the winner within 24 hours of the draw, the art postcards will be awarded to a second name drawn. Good luck!